who should attend:

Managers, supervisors, team leaders, newly formed or intact work groups, peer groups, project teams and newly assigned team members.

seminar length & charge

2 days/$8,000

The essential keys of a high-performance quality management environment are focused motivated teams able to make decisions and improvements on their own.   Teams help develop more cohesive, integrated, cooperative environments for task accomplishment.  Successful teams emphasize mutual goal setting, managing team stagnation, developing team norms, resolving conflict, building trust, and solving problems – all while respecting individual values, skills, and behaviors.  In “Team Building Dynamics,” special attention is given to why teams are failing despite all the training and the emphasis that has been given in recent years.

what is covered

  • What teams are supposed to do
  • What teams are not doing
  • Why some teams do not work
  • How to increase the participant’s knowledge and awareness of their impact on other team members
  • Build group motivation and skills for working together toward established goals and objectives
  • Communicating for understanding, clarity, and commitment
  • Understand and practice various team problem solving and decision-making approaches for improving overall performance
  • Learn effective team strategies such as developing a mission, setting clear goals, and developing milestones to measure goal attainment
  • Rewards and recognition approaches